Aquatic Law Symposium Registration
ALSI has hosted legal and aquatic safety educational symposiums for over 20 years. Examples of the educational symposiums include Seas Symposiums (I,II,III,IV and V) and the International Rip Current Symposium (Miami, Sydney- Australia, Seoul and South Korea).

The legal symposiums are certified by the Florida Bar and in every state via reciprocity agreement for 10.5 CLE credits and 1 Ethics Credit.
The next ALSI legal symposium will be conducted on Feb. 28 in Fort Lauderdale at the beautiful Pier 66.
Word class speakers will focus on information and topics relating to aquatic a law.
Morning session (8.30 am - 12.00 noon)
- Welcoming (Mayor Jack Seiler)
- Drowning, drowning behavior (Dr. John Fletemeyer)
- The cost of Drowning and the importance of emergency first aid in intervention of death on the high seas (Doctor Anthony Ard)
- Naegleria Fowleri (Brain eating amoebas) - (Roger Strassburg)
- Backyard drowning, Case study with lessons learned (Jon Hawk)
Lunch & Afternoon session (12.00pm - 6.00pm)
- Spoliation of evidence (Professor Michael Flynn)
- Miscalleneous aquatic accidents with overview (low head dams, rip currents, hot tubs & spas, etc.) (Dr. John Fletemeyer)
- The mechanics of diving accidents (Doctor Kal Blumberg)
- Boating accidents - A case study —(Jason Norh & Howard Pomerantz)
- Breaux vs. City of Miami Beach Case; Fla. Stat. 380.276 (Attorney Howard Pomerantz)
- Panel Discussion (Plaintiff vs. Defense strategies)
Graduation Ceremony & Happy Hour (6.00 pm)
Registration Fees and Options
Pre-registration fee prior to February 10, 2014 - $650.00
After February 10, 2014 - $750.00
- Basic registration with CLE credits
- Basic registration with CLE credits & 1- night accommodation
- Basic registration with CLE credits & 2- night accommodation
- Basic registration with week end retreat single guest with 4 night accommodations.
- Family package including deluxe oceanfront suite with weekend golf or deep sea fishing option. (Golf or fishing with be added to cost at discounted rate).
- Family package including deluxe ocean font suite with Saturday family kayaking experience.
For registration, contact Dr. Ivonne Schmid at
For special hotel rate of $219 per night at Pier66 contact Emiliy Walsh at or follow the link:
- All registration packages include course materials, CLE credits, a cocktail reception, a patio conference lunch and an Aquatic Law Diploma.